

2009 Jul 11 celes

Guy Blade Guy Blade---11:59:00

(Note: this post was written on Thursday night, but apparently I didn't post it then...)

I recently added two additional search engines to those available through the link. The first one I added was to Wikipedia's SSL site. The second one is for Anime Suki.

Adding WikipediaS option led me to discover an error in my database schema for additional hidden variables given to search engines. Apparently, rather than using a foreign key constraint against the search engine id, I had simply made the column that was (supposed) to be the foreign key constraint a primary key. This had worked fine as none of the engines that I've been using had required more than one additional parameter, but since the secure Wikipedia page also requires a parameter specifying that I want to carry out a search, I discovered it. This specific bug would have been introduced during the link rebuild that I did back in the end of 2006 for my databases course...


In unrelated new, my father has left (or more accurately, is leaving tomorrow). He had been around since sometime during Anime Expo and we went out to several dinners during the week. He also has encouraged me to look into buying a house more seriously. I've thus started filling out paperwork to go through a loan pre-approval process. We'll see how that goes. I suspect that having basically no serious liabilities is a major benefit.


I finished watching Kannagi a little while ago. The series is somewhat interesting, but seems to end unsatisfyingly. Since it is directed by one of the Haruhi directors and one of the Lucky Star directors, I expected a little more, but I mainly got some fun shout outs to those series instead. I would call the series...middling.

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