

2009 Jun 19 anthy

Guy Blade Guy Blade---05:49:00

Suddenly and deliberately
A few days ago, I finished inFAMOUS. The game itself is premised on the question "what if a normal person gets super powers?" It answers by providing an open world and a plot which forces you to make choices with a moral overtones. The gameplay itself is solid and well constructed with plenty of interesting powers. What I was most impressed with, however, were the game's "karma moments". These are, as perhaps can be gleamed from the name, the times when you are presented with said choices. What impressed me was not their existence, but the fact that the choices tend to be excessively reasonable even for the "evil" side. For example, the game is takes place in a city which is under quarantine. The first choice in the game involves your character and a government food drop. The good choice is to take only what you require for now. The evil choice is to take a few swings the nearby pedestrians who are attempting to take their own (you needn't kill or even disable them) so that you can have enough food to surive longer term with your sidekick and girlfriend. The second choice is clearly selfish (which the game tends to classify as evil), but doesn't involve the usual burning down of orphanages which "evil" choices tend to.

Overall, I'd recommend the game. It was good enough that, with the thin justification of getting the platinum trophy, I took a second pass through the game. Anymore, such a decision is a rare one.

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