

2010 Mar 30 rinoa

Guy Blade Guy Blade---03:36:00

On Scale
I often write about the video games that I play here. While I admit that the "reviews" that I write are probably best described as "stream of consciousness" or even "disjointed", I do try to provide some sense of whether the game is worth playing. To that end, I've decided to adopt a rating system for games going forward. Unlike other systems that might have a 100 point scale or a ten point scale or even a five point scale, I will have a two point scale. Games that are worth your time get a 1; games that aren't get a 0. I think this sort of "pass-fail" mentality works better with the way that I think about and play games anyway.

Now, for some past reviews on the new scale in approximate reverse chronological order:

Katamari Forever: 0
Bayonetta: 1
Bioshock 2: 1
Mass Effect 2: 0
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings: 0
Dragon Age: Origins: 1
Shadow Complex: 1
Assassin's Creed 2: 1
Batman: Arkham Asylum: 1
Professor Layton and the Curious Village: 1
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days: 0
Borderlands: 0
Red Faction: Guerrilla: 0
Too Human: 0
The Last Remnant: 0
Resident Evil 5: 1

That takes me back to last June which I think is far enough. I may end up adding a 1! (should be read "one factorial") for games which I think should be required reading. I'm mulling it over now, but we'll see if there is ever a game which necessitates it.

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