

2008 Apr 30 aeris

Guy Blade Guy Blade---07:26:00

Tell us the lesson that we should learn
It's time for another installment of "Good Idea, Bad Idea". Today's episode is about Xenosaga III. Possible Definite spoilers follow.

Good Idea: Being able to earn experience points while inside Gears.
Bad Idea: Making Gears' power be completely divorced from the level of the characters.

Good Idea: Optional bosses.
Bad Idea: Making one boss dependent on beating another, more difficult boss.

Good Idea: Shops.
Bad Idea: Having the best weapons and armor in the game in the shops at reasonable prices. What's the point in even looking for equipment when the best stuff in the game costs 10% of your cash reserves total?

Good Idea: Closing all the open plot threads.
Bad Idea: Not ever bothering to explain why she isn't named Elly.

Good Idea: Sending a character with the appropriate family name to the appropriate place so that others with that same family name will make sense in a game which is supposed to take place later in time.
Bad Idea: Promptly killing said character off (even if it was in a show of selfless sacrifice).

Good Idea: Explaining who the mysterious character that joined your party for no reason two games ago was. (And who just happened to be on the ship you were using)
Bad Idea: Jesus.

Good Idea: Not giving you a game over if you die to an optional boss.
Bad Idea: Keeping any items used when you were fighting said boss.

Good Idea: Having characters dress in a way that elludes to their successors.
Bad Idea: Giving them the same damn outfit.

Good Idea: Exposition of the backstory of the main characters.
Bad Idea: Psuedo-time travel, but its really just in your head, kind-of not really.

Good Idea: Continuing a recurring theme.
Bad Idea: Mary Magdalene

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