

2007 Jun 20 relm

Guy Blade Guy Blade---20:16:00

Apartment Hunt
So about an hour ago, I ended my apartment hunt by signing a lease for a little upstairs apartment in Altadena. I'm going to be paying $1100 a month for it. The best part about it is that it is within walking/biking distance of JPL. It is probably faster to get to JPL by biking/walking because then I can take a path down a hill rather than driving around it. Unfortunately, since my things are still in Indiana, I probably won't be able to move in until some time next week at the earliest.

I've started playing around with Code::Blocks to get familiar with C++/wxWidgets. I haven't done much yet as wxWidgets seems to involve a bit of voodoo to get started.

At 6pm tonight, I have another session of the pickup D&D game that I played on Monday. This session will be to finish up the rest of the plot, supposedly. We'll see how that goes later.

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