Today, I decided that I wanted to watch
Full Metal Panic - The Second Raid. To do this, I needed some sort of Video player for my laptop which now runs Gentoo. To that end, I started playing around with various media players which were available through portage.
- mplayer - For the life of me, I was unable to figure out how to make it maintain aspect ratios on resize. The internet was less than helpful, so this one got rejected
- xine - This maintained aspect ratios, but studdered regarless of how I played around with the cache settings. I think it may have been a problem with h.264 support, but that is pure conjecture.
- kplayer - Yes, I realize that it is just a kde-ified version of mplayer, but for some strange reason it worked. It had no problems with aspect ratios, no problems with studdering (at least when playing from the local drive, playing from a samba share over wireless was...unpleasent).
So apparently the answer was kplayer all along.
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